Tag Archives: EastBoundandDown

Arthur Pirozhkov, he’s just the star of erotic dreams

Discovered a most amazing video at dinner. Artur Pirozhkov is a character created by Ukrainian comedian Aleksandr Revva. I think this is what would happen if Danny McBride’s Kenny Powers made a music video. (The song is actually quite catchy compared to most antiseptic Russian pop and dated metal and what first caught my attention).

Some lyrics translations:

If your cell phone battery is dead,
Don’t rush into dispair!
Sit down, calm yourself, relax
Just write down my address.
Novokuznetskaya area
Krasnogvardeiskaya county
The railroad village, house #24.
When you walk into the front yard,
A big black dog will run your way.
Don’t be scared – she’s nice.
Knock three times on my door
Like this: “knock-knock-knock”
And who will answer the door?
Do you know who? Who? Who? Huh? Huh?
You know? You don’t know?

Arthur Pirozhkov, doesn’t give flowers, doesn’t write poems.
Arthur Pirozhkov, he’s just the star of erotic dreams.